The stubborn Gardener of a Sand-dune

This is a small homage to that stubborn woman ,who intricately ,untiringly keeps on fighting ...who had this undying courage to change a lifeless sand dunes into a lush green grasslands and will hopefully very soon would become a dense green forest and its all coz of her unique strongest persistence which  she continuously puts in .This is a homage to my mom/mummy/ma, when i feel the life of this woman its gives goose bumps all over me.When i, being the closest and may be the only observer goes into a flashback , i see her struggling ,i see her undying attitude of sowing those two little seeds,nd turning those seeds into sapling ,from sapling to plant and may be a tree one day .All through the transition of these seeds she always stood by there side ,in the scorching sun and in those sands storm ,whatever happens and had happened ,i saw her standing covering these seeds ,with the little torn clothes she have .she bares the sun ,she bares heat ,she bares everything wat comes to her way ,but she had never let these seeds die away .Her cracked ankles buried into those sand dune ,stood firm and still constantly guarding these two little seeds . Once being the true epitome of beauty and bearing the finest IQ could have being  like a  'proud peacock' ,could have being the most elegant lady ..this is not what she deserve ,this is not what she was made for ...but i know not why ??..why she chose to be a gardener ..a gardener of a sand dunes ,where all her magnificent beauty is  being gradually replaced  by those wrinkles  and this scorching sun takes away her charm . All i can see is her pair of watery eyes ,with a real scintillating beauty ,and bright ray of hopes that is strong enough to make this Devilish sun dull ...A hope that one day the seeds which she sowed will become a lush green big tree, a tree in a  Sand dunes .A Gardener so dedicated , a Gardener with Life's single selfless aim she a human or a God's Angel with no name ??.Whatever she is ,whoever she is , i often call her  'mummy' ,i always  feel her and i always see her, when i fall weak ,when i fear something and when courage leave me alone .On this mother's day i pay homage to the only God i know, to the only chant i say "Mummy".


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