Male-o-philic Society or a beast, petrifying Anxiety.


Once upon a time 3 months ago….. sounds strange right?, but this is what we have pretentiously   assumed that it happened years ago, that there had been a girl who slapped our society who was found lying in a road. Bleeding away from a life that she was never allowed to live, and off to a demise that found her dead before it arrived. Her body that’s bruised with an Iron rod, her intestine that hangs out of her body in blood and gore, and her eyes that overflow with gallons of a feeling that no living creature should ever be forced to feel, strips the entire human race naked in a blink. Raped, abused and dying, Nirbhaya is only twenty four years old. being the victim of the animalistic instinct of its Own kind. Time has once again proved that it’s the cure of all pain and pathos.
       A lot of things have been said and done in all concern of artificiality, where we were busy sharing/ liking or updating status about this heinous crime or may be making a virtual emotions vivid by having a friends get together in a Candle march .While everyone writing/expressing their grief in a third person point of view, about the cause ,the reason of my reluctance hesitation  was  that I not sure of my own instincts, because everytime  it’s my Co-gender who proves to be a Villain. Everytime it’s a beast within ,that rise up candidly and overpower the MEN of our society .While I am scribbling on these pages ,there are incessant questions that bangs my head .How many times I have ever checked out a cute girl passing by ??,or how many times  I have been a part of this discussion where we all comment about her physical assets .Do I, even have the right to discuss and express about this  new generation social evil where homo sapiens of my gender is the one who is solely responsible .If you reading this and you claim to be ‘man’ I ask you the same questions…How do u feel ??Embarrassed!! Or you  bluntly said ‘No, I have never done all this’ lying to yourself, because you don’t wanna take that dirt on your shoulder. Relax , I am not accusing anyone, neither this is a legal crime for which you can be penalized ,am just asking you to concentrate on that  beast within ,that overpowers you and makses your actions his slave. God has been selfish enough to make us like that ,so that this world may go on, but He never knew ,how his  over-Intelligent creation, would  bring out his beastly tendencies.
              Logically and biologically, one can blame his testosterones over secretion that makes him cross all social boundaries. It’s ironical yet correct that how male hormones overpowers his brain.She was asking for it,” “she was wearing revealing clothes,” “she has a reputation of ‘sleeping around’” and “she had been drinking”. When discussing rape, statements such as these are referred to as victim blaming. Victim blaming justifies the rapist’s actions while placing blame on the victim. Rape is never the victims’ fault, but still, victim blaming, believe it or not, is extremely common, even in supposedly unbiased academic research. Male psychology has reasons of supporting  such sexual assaults , sadism ,ego and sense of being physically powerful are few of the many reasons, but how does he  forgets that one-day your mom and your sister will come to know about it ,and from where will you gather the courage  to peep into their eyes, now where does this part of the psychology Go??..I know and am saying again it’s our beast within .
                Last day I read a news ,where a Uttar Pradesh ,senior police officer boldly accused the rape victim(an elderly women) for creating false accusation and supported it by saying “Who would rape a mother of four??”. At least one-thing I  inferred “that his choice of raping would be not an  elderly woman:/”.Now this where the problem lies both the culprit and law person have the same mentality, they both are governed by the same psychology and unknowingly or sometime even intentionally we tend to defend our gender. Honestly! I feel it’s just a veil of social responsibility that help these educated yet ignorant government officials to suppress there beast within.Indeed a Male-o-philic society it is ,where on one side there are great men making remarkable dents and creating history and at the same time there are beasts taking gigantic forms with the moving time.

                      When I try to ponder over my thoughts as to why this brutality is increasing exponentially?? why every second day we tend to hear at least one case of sexual assault with victims falling in the age range of a “four year old girl to a woman of forty” and Bangalore being the second after Delhi in “being the most unsafe cities for women”. The only conclusion that I come to everytime is a mere frustration and our presumed sense of being physically powerful that act as a catalyst to this reaction. Men are saddened by rejections, frustrated by failures and some who belong to the educated class (that Includes your Uncles ,Tuition teachers and may be some times directly incest)are simply paranoid and psychopaths that shroud there mental illness in the Day light.
                Now those who are educated versions of beasts and pretending to be normal socially have their  easy victims as small kids and teenage females ,for they feel that there will no be defense mechanism  from the victim side. Ironically thats the truth, most of these cases are hidden in dark room of many houses killing that innocent puzzled souls . The most precious years of a girl’s life start and end with her time as a little kid. I cannot imagine replacing the memories of my sister or any small angel for that sake of wearing pink frilled Cinderella frocks, getting teeny-weeny nails painted so excitedly, making landscapes on the mirror with Mummy’s lipsticks and having Papa wiping her tears each time she falls and scrape her knees, with the incomprehensible ordeal of repeated gang rapes, substance abuse and finally, a slow and traumatic death by sexually transmitted diseases. Because when she was four years old, the biggest tragedy of her life were her  broken Mr. Clean crayons, and that’s why I promise to work for creating a world, where no four-year-old girl ever has to face a bigger tragedy. I promise to suppress that beast within everytime ,I promise to teach my coming generation of male gender, that why he should respect his Creator’s gender and what is her position and significance in his life . If you have read till the end of this bizarre article ,am sure there is still some sense of humanity that comes before your male ego then So shall you promise as well . 


  1. poignant. you hit the right chords there. Male chauvinism has been residing in our society for too long and this has to somehow cease. A nice post.

  2. Very very well written, with the brutal honesty that is necessary when discussing a topic like this. Kudos!

  3. Thought provoking nicely written post!

  4. Loved the write up and the selection of images. keep it up.

  5. that's the need of the hour....educating our sons to be more thoughtful....very well written.


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